Fall Season: METAL Element.

Livio Bucci https://www.facebook.com/tatami.shiatsu https://www.facebook.com/AccademiaItalianaShiatsuDO https://www.facebook.com/APOS.shiatsu Fall Season: METAL Element The Large Intestine and Lung meridians are part of the Metal element (or movement); let us now consider the Lung meridian. THE LUNG – FEI: 1- governs Qi and breathing; 2- control the meridians and blood vessels; 3- controls diffusion, descent and elimination; 4- regulate the […]


Scuola YangSheng – Medicina Cinese Tuina – Roma https://www.facebook.com/scuolayangsheng/ THE CONCEPT OF MERIDIAN IN CHINESE MEDICINE Meridians, an almost familiar word by now, but what exactly do we mean when we talk about meridians? Let’s imagine Qi, the vital energy as a great river that flows continuously nourishing every area of ​​our body; because the […]

Shiatsu profession

Shiatsu profession Roberto Poli https://www.facebook.com/roberto.poli.5268 There is an underlying and non-visible architecture within the gesture that is learned by practicing Shiatsu professionally, like Tuina. Since the peculiarity of these highly therapeutic techniques consists of the acquired skills, to also accompany the other in capable and deep bodily spaces, which requires continuity on a personal path, […]

The seasons of life and the 5 Movements as a model of temporal observation: (WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL).

Scuola di Naturopatia ConSè https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057261857717 https://www.facebook.com/roberto.poli.5268 The seasons of life and the 5 Movements as a model of temporal observation: (WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL). Edited by Roberto Poli, professor of Classical Chinese Medicine – Scuola di Naturopatia ConSè. WATER is the newborn: it has a strong individual drive, it wants everything for itself, it […]

Relationships between muscle chains, myofascial system and tendon meridians.

Roberto Poli Relationships between muscle chains, myofascial system and tendon meridians. Medial anterior muscle chain: Predominance of posterior static kyphosis, difficulty creating lumbar lordosis and extending the hip; can create delays in the acquisition of gait and interaction with the outside world (stomach meridian). Medial chain: Posterior hyperlordosis, accelerated, anxious gait, hypertonia of the paravetebral […]

The meridians of Chinese medicine and their multiple levels.

The meridians of Chinese medicine and their multiple levels. A journey between science and tradition in a system “multilayer”, beyond the main meridians. by: Francesca Cassini Chinese feminine medicine www.benesseredonne.it www.facebook.com/Tuinaperilbenessere www.instagram.com/francescacassinimedicinacinese Professional member of OTTO https://www.ottoitalia.org/scuole-riconosciute/   What are meridians? • Nature and functions in Chinese medicine • Scientific research The system of meridians […]

Shiatsu: Awakening the Body and Mind for Teenagers.

Livio Bucci https://www.facebook.com/tatami.shiatsu Shiatsu: Awakening the Body and Mind for Teenagers At a time when teenagers are often overwhelmed by technology and social pressures, shiatsu offers a precious opportunity to rediscover the contact and vitality of the body. This ancient Japanese acupressure practice not only relieves physical and mental tension, but also promotes greater body […]


Mike Mandl https://www.facebook.com/mike.mandl https://www.facebook.com/InternationalHaraShiatsuInstitute THE MIRACLE OF THE MERIDIANS (for the European Journal of Chinese Medicine) Meridians are much more than abstract energy lines, through which Qi circulates. Meridians are orientation lines on the map of our soul. They provide us with orientation, so that we can better explore and understand the broad connections between […]

The Three Treasures: Essence, Energy and Spirit (Jing, Qi, Shen).

Monica Bianchi https://www.facebook.com/monica.bianchi.5283 https://www.facebook.com/FISieo/ The Three Treasures: Essence, Energy and Spirit (Jing, Qi, Shen) For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has taught and lived by the “Three Treasures” theory, a philosophy that states that there are three essential elements to sustain human life. These elements are Qi (energy), Shen (spirit) and Jing (essence). Each […]