Livio Bucci
Why receive Shiatsu treatments?
Why start a cycle of Shiatsu treatments now?
Because Shiatsu is a technique that promotes Emotional Sustainability.
“Emotional sustainability is the ability to recognize and modulate one’s emotions in relation to oneself and others, in the depth of subjective experiences. It is an instrument of human progress and as such must be defended, promoted and supported in collective life.
It is the foundation of dignity, an essential aspect of freedom and a constitutive component of the right to health.
It presupposes a competence that is not innate, but rather can be acquired through introspection techniques.
Every individual has the right to learn these techniques, in order to achieve a state of internal and relational balance.
Learning these techniques represents a community interest, which must be promoted in educational contexts, in the workplace and in healthcare settings”.
Summary from the Declaration on the Right to Emotional Sustainability.
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Monica Bianchi
Energy Circulation
Knowing the concept of ENERGY CIRCULATION is fundamental for several reasons.
The path of energy is circular, so the imbalance of a specific energy meridian influences the entire system, creating imbalances in other meridians.
When a meridian has an excess or deficit problem, this can be caused by an imbalance in the meridian itself or by other components, such as a state of imbalance in the meridian that precedes or follows it in the energy circulation.
The fundamental principle of energy circulation starts from the idea that meridians of the same nature meet each other (yin with yin and yang with yang), but that to give body to the complete circle they must unite with each other, even if of opposite nature.
Yin and Yang are opposite and complementary at the same time and their union, through the dynamization of Qi (vital energy), produces life. Therefore even the opposite meridians enter into connection with each other, creating the privileged channel through which energy circulates in the body.
Taken from “Tecniche complementari sportive. Shiatsu
e Medicina Cinese in ambito sportivo.” by S.Bergamaschi, M.Del Prete, G.Ginelli, E.Tirelli, S.Tirelli. – © 2007 Hoepli Editore.
Livio Bucci
The Diaphragm
The diaphragm is the main breathing muscle and also the “sponge” of emotions because it reacts to our every emotion.
If we experience emotions (positive or negative) freely and allow ourselves to express them, our diaphragm will remain free, but if we prohibit ourselves from expressing emotions freely, they are absorbed by the diaphragm which stiffens.
The rigid diaphragm is the sign of unexpressed, suffocated emotions, of something that we are not allowing ourselves, or of something that we think we cannot or cannot do.
During situations of stress, psychological and emotional discomfort, chronically shallow breathing (therefore not diaphragmatic) transforms into an anxiety-provoking stimulus, that keeps the level of stress and allostatic load high. (Marc A 2017). In addition to nervous signals and metabolic demands, the action of the respiratory muscles is also regulated by emotional states, such as sadness, fear, anxiety and anger.
What anatomically and physiologically allows the connection between emotions and breathing, are above all the connections with the respiratory muscle par excellence: the diaphragm. When the diaphragm is treated by a Shiatsu practitioner, it not only acts on a muscular level, but on the entire body-mind system.
Alberto Sgallari
Medicine in China
Do you know how medicine works in China?
Four times a year the whole family goes to the doctor and he treats them, that is, he looks for weak points in healthy people that could later become illnesses: he gives them a little acupuncture, a little moxa, gives them some herbs,
corrects the diet, rebalances the body, then they pay for it and leave.
For them this is medicine, preventing someone from getting sick.
Instead, if someone gets sick, it is the doctor who goes to him, to treat him and is not paid for that visit, because it is not medicine for them.
For Chinese doctors, treating the disease when it is already, there is like starting to make weapons immediately after declaring war, or digging a well when you are thirsty: you should have thought about it beforehand!
Therefore it suits the Chinese doctor that people are well, because it is those who are well who pay. Sick people take up his time without making him money and if he has too many sick people the doctor goes bankrupt. Then people say: “he has too many sick people, he’s not good, we’re not going there”. In the West it is the opposite: the more patients a doctor has, the more he is respected and the more he earns.
From the film The Crisis: directed by Coline Serreau. Original title: La Crise – France, 1992