Fabio Amicizia






In our body there are receptors, that are structures that give information about pain, temperature, pressure. Pacini receptors are those that are stimulated by our Shiatsu pressures.

But what are Pacini receptors and above all where are they located?

Pacini corpuscles are receptors sensitive to deep pressure and high-frequency vibrations.

These receptor devices are formed by concentric layers of collagen fiber lamellae, arranged to form almost a small oblong onion. Inside this ovoid structure there is a single nerve ending, sensitive to strong pressure stimuli. The lamellae in question, with their interstitial fluid, provide insulation to the nerve terminal from other types of stimuli, which are not of a pressure nature.

The entire corpuscle can reach 4 mm in length and 1 mm in diameter.

The Pacinian corpuscles (also called lamellar), are distributed in the thickness of the dermis, in the superficial and deep connective tissue bands of the body and in the fibrous capsules that enclose the joints, but we also find them in the mesenteries (which are sheets of peritoneal membrane), in the walls of the urethra and bladder and also in the pancreas, providing in these locations to convey visceral sensitivity.

They owe their name to their discoverer, the Italian anatomist Filippo Pacini (1812-1883), also famous for having identified Vibrio Cholerae (1854), the bacterium responsible for the Vibrio Cholera infection.

Mike Mandl



The term crisis comes from the Greek word krísis, which means turning point decision. To get out of a crisis, you need exactly that: a decision that leads to a turnaround. To do this, the crisis situation must be fully recognized and accepted. It is what it is. Holding on to what was before will get you nowhere.

We cannot take with us into the future, the parts of our identity, which have been defined by the life situation of the past. Letting go is the order of the day.

In this sense, every crisis is a form of loss: sometimes it is painful. But it is also a great opportunity, to give the crisis a deep individual meaning. To leave the old behind, to discover something new. What personal development does this crisis require of me? What can I gain from the crisis?

A simple but clear basic rule applies here: if you do the same thing today as you did yesterday, tomorrow will be exactly the same as today.

So you have to do something different; you have to do something different if you want to create a new situation.

Insights, attitudes, values, connections, behaviors: with a little courage and determination, all of this can change into a constructive relationship, with yourself and with the world. The responsibility to overcome the crisis is only in your hands.

Read more: https://www.mikemandl.at/the-h-o-p-e-concept-mastering…/


Mike Mandl


Blood is one of the essential substances in Traditional Chinese Medicine. And blood deficiency is a pattern that is becoming more and more common. Why? The cause is a combination of lifestyle and diet. A stress-induced lifestyle makes us overheat.

This affects two organs in particular: the stomach and the heart. The stomach is the organ inside us, which receives and processes information from the outside, to extract nutritional value. This information can be of a dense and material nature, such as food; or of an immaterial nature, such as feelings, impressions, but also data.

And when it comes to data, the poor stomach is faced with an unmanageable task. Data everywhere, at any time: computers and cell phones make this easily possible.

The stomach meridian overheats, like a computer under great strain. The course of the stomach meridian, passes directly through the heart, which absorbs the heat from the stomach and then, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, vaporizes the blood, makes it disappear.

This makes us more unstable, less emotionally resilient, more restless, more nervous.. Simply because the Shen (our consciousness), which resides in the heart, needs blood as an anchor. In fact, in popular sayings it is said: keep your blood calm! Or: be cold-blooded.

This is increasingly accompanied by a diet, which is only insufficiently suited to increasing the quantity and quality of our blood. A diet focused exclusively on plants also makes it difficult to accumulate blood.

Conclusion: Bloodlessness spreads.

What can we do very well with Shiatsu? Move the blood.. The movement of blood and Qi (vital energy), are closely linked and if we move Qi, we also mobilize the blood. What we can also do: calm the stomach and the heart, by treating the corresponding meridians. However, what we cannot do: accumulate blood. If we forget this aspect, even the most wonderful experience of unity during a treatment, cannot be stabilized in the long term and integrated into everyday life. Short-term bliss without substance.

It is therefore worthwhile to delve deeper into the topic of blood and blood accumulation..

