Lorenzo Bonaiuti-Professional training for Shiatsu operators





I decided to write this post without technical references to Chinese medicine, the work of Master Masunaga or anything else, because I believe that shiatsu practitioners must increasingly develop the ability to dialogue with each other, around the practice and share experiences of research, as well as beyond specific training and different styles and traditions. Furthermore, I believe that they must develop the ability to talk about the discipline in a transversal and simple way, communicating at the same time with the recipients and with professionals from other fields related to the care and well-being of the person. The same topic can be approached from multiple points of view, according to different references, and I intend to do so soon.

The lymphatic system has 3 main stations: one at the level of the groin and the pelvic area, another at the level of the diaphragm, later in front of the first three lumbar vertebrae and another at the level of the collarbones and armpits.

Lymph flows within the lymphatic system and its movement is guaranteed by the contraction of the muscles, mainly by the rhythmic and constant activity of the diaphragm.

The lymphatic system also plays a very important role with respect to the immune system, because lymph nodes are located along the lymphatic vessels. Inside are lymphocytes, that is, the cells in charge of the body’s specific defense, ready to be activated and mobilized where necessary. In case of infection or pathology, the duplication and activation of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes is triggered. As anticipated, the true driving force of lymphatic system flow is the free and full movement of the diaphragm. We could also say that a free diaphragm allows the immune system to be more prepared and available to activate and that the harmony of Heaven-Man-Earth, the harmony of the breaths between the three heaters, the free high-low communication between the diaphragms allows the full expression of life’s potential.

In these times when we are hit by messages of fear and illness, potentially inhibiting our diaphragm and shutting down our breathing, remembering these concepts can help us draw on our best resources to revitalize the potential of our system. Remembering these concepts will lead us to enhance movement and physical activity: a sedentary lifestyle inhibits the activity of the lymphatic system, which does not have the necessary impulse given by muscle contraction and causes our diaphragm to express itself in a very limited way. In this way, our immune system will also be less prepared to protect us and less vital in its response. But remembering these simple things will also lead us to treat ourselves by turning to a competent and qualified operator: shiatsu treatment stimulates lymphatic circulation and does so through pressure, which mobilizes the interstitial fluid and energizes the lymph, avoiding stasis, and by a specific work on the diaphragm and on the resonance between the diaphragms.

This is a surprisingly positive aspect of the practice of shiatsu: it can therefore be said that receiving treatments with some regularity can be a useful stimulus to support the vitality of the immune system. We work in the field of health, promoting awareness and autonomy of those who come to us.

(I remember that I opened a public telegram channel: t.me/lorenzo_bonaiuti_shiatsu to which you can subscribe freely.



Reflections, thoughts, notes from ongoing research, experiences: entering the workshop of a shiatsu operator).




