Livio Bucci

Shiatsu: Awakening the Body and Mind for Teenagers

At a time when teenagers are often overwhelmed by technology and social pressures, shiatsu offers a precious opportunity to rediscover the contact and vitality of the body. This ancient Japanese acupressure practice not only relieves physical and mental tension, but also promotes greater body awareness and an overall sense of well-being.

Adolescents, who are going through a period of intense physical and emotional changes, can benefit greatly from shiatsu. Through gentle, targeted pressure on specific points on the body, shiatsu stimulates the flow of energy, helping to balance emotions and reduce stress. This can result in a greater ability to concentrate, better sleep, and greater vitality.

Additionally, shiatsu encourages a positive relationship with the body. In an era dominated by social media and unrealistic beauty ideals, rediscovering physical contact in a healthy and natural way can help teenagers develop greater self-esteem and self-acceptance.

In summary, shiatsu represents a valuable tool for today’s adolescents, offering them a moment of pause and connection with themselves in an increasingly frenetic and virtual world.

#contacteducation #shiatsudo #adolescence #vitality #humancontact

Livio Bucci




Many people who approach shiatsu for the first time, tend to underestimate the effect of the session, saying that “they didn’t feel anything extraordinary” and many times they do not continue the treatment because it seems that they have no effect.

This behavior is quite understandable, if we think that the society in which we live, has accustomed us to being continually bombarded by strong tensions, by things that strongly interfere, sometimes even invasively, in our lives. The sober seems to have gone out of fashion, the subtle is no longer perceived, the so-called “special effects” are needed, normality goes unnoticed.

Furthermore, the other component that weighs is time: everything must happen immediately, there is no time to wait for things to take their course, the “healing” must occur quickly.

But shiatsu does not follow this trend: because it does not make sense.

“Special effects” are intrusions that are overly invasive and often disrespectful to the person’s condition, and are often of no use. If a pain, symptom, or discomfort disturbs us (unless the disturbance was caused by a traumatic event), it means that the imbalance that brought the symptom to the surface has been working on us for a long time, slowly, without let’s realize him. Therefore, it is good that even the times of reorganization of our system towards a better condition follow its physiological times; It is necessary to let the body get used to a new condition. Returning balance to a person’s energy system gradually and progressively, as shiatsu does, makes this condition of balance more stable and lasts longer over time.

There is little point in making the symptom go away immediately and quickly, if it then reappears shortly after.

Furthermore, shiatsu is a technique that leads us to practice listening to ourselves, to be able to do it whenever we want and not only when something makes us uncomfortable. By practicing self-listening, we are able to have a clearer vision of what is good for us and what is bad for us, of our needs and our desires. In this way, we become more and more aware. Finally, doing shiatsu is also an exercise in taking care of ourselves, taking time for our body, stopping and taking stock of the situation, breaking the rhythm of the continuous frenetic hustle and bustle that the world we live in leads us to.

Judge for yourself whether all this is extraordinary enough or not. Thank you..

Donatella Terranova