Recent experiences have confirmed that shiatsu has a positive effect on resolving problems relating to bad mood, tension and restlessness due to excess stress.[1]

This derives from how we approach life and from the perception and subsequent evaluation of the events we experience.[1]

The importance we give to our problems is directly linked to our internal mood and how this manifests itself externally with our actions and our interpersonal involvements.[1]

Shiatsu treatments have a valuable positive influence not only from a physical point of view, but also a positive effect regarding psychological well-being.

Several studies find significant improvements in restlessness and mood values ​​in treated people, whether energetically stimulating or relaxing treatments were carried out.[1]

The pressures exerted during the treatment stimulate the production of endorphins and other hormones which have well-known analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

These pressures are implemented on energy paths defined as “meridians” and in particular on certain points called “tsubo”, which have been known for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine and which are also used in the medical practice known as Acupuncture.

Pressure points on tissues were studied in Japan in 1964 by Dr. Katsusuke Serizawa, who discovered how they were substantially different from all other points on the body.

According to the research of Dr. Serizawa, the tsubo had a low electrical resistance, with values ​​of 1/100, compared to the surrounding area and their refractive index was totally different from the surrounding points.[2]The differences between the physical properties were subsequently demonstrated in more recent times, with the aid of investigations such as infrared imaging, ultrasound studies, thermal photography with liquid crystal technology and the use of diagnostic radiology such as nuclear magnetic resonance (. [2]

The meridians develop their paths through the connective tissue network, which has its own fluid composition, in continuous development and movement not only in a trophic sense, but for its marked characteristic of transmission of bio-chemical information throughout the body.[ 2]

They can be considered as a sort of aqueous sheath, immersed in the connective tissue, which contains the energy captured by the molecular chains, detectable by the electromagnetic signals illustrated previously.[2]

All this highlights the evidence of quantum gauge field theory (QFT), with spontaneous symmetry breaking.[2]

Following external or endogenous perturbations, such as variations in electrical potentials or ionic currents, molecular electrical alterations can be created and since the meridians are associated with the energy flows of our body, they are also connected to the bioenergetics of the cells.[2]

Our skin has these specific points on which the flow of energy and information can be influenced.[2]

We can consider them as access “doors” to be used for contact treatments and psycho-physical interaction such as Shiatsu, where with acupressure a mechanical stimulus is exerted which produces a rehabilitative bio-chemical reaction throughout the entire connected system.

From this derives an immediate usefulness, but above all of a preventive nature against innumerable disorders to which our body-mind system is constantly subjected.


[1] Koers.K. : Shiatsu and mental well-being-A Study-Blog Article ; studie-shiatsu

[2] Modeling meridians in quantum field theory;

Larissa Brizik, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Theory of Nonlinear Processes in Condenses Systems, Kyiv, Ukraine – Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst, Southampton, UK.

Enrico Chiappini, Osteopath do, Eva Reich Study Center, Milan, Italy.

Patrizia Stefanini, European Shiatsu Institute, Nextcare, Florence, Italy.

Giuseppe Vitiello, University of Salerno and National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Department of Physics “E.R.Caianello”, Salerno, Italy.