Mike Mandl


The life principle of the lung and large intestine meridians.


Autumn is the time of the metal element and the lungs are the associated organ. In the organ clock according to TCM the lungs take first place. They start the energy circulation of the meridians. It is the lungs that make the river of life flow. It is with the lungs and a feisty yawn that we greet each awakening day. It is with the lungs and a deep breath that we endeavour to take new steps or make important decisions. And above all: it’s with the lungs that we begin our independent journey as human beings. Taking our first breath after the umbilical cord has been cut, we connect with a completely different world. After months of coming into being and maturing in a protective and consistent environment, we encounter the outer world for the very first time. We open up. We allow the external world to pour into us. The first breath is very special: it activates a cascade of reactions which are crucial for the body of the new-born child. Without this breath there would be no leap into one’s own existence. Without the first big ‘yes’ to survival there would be no beginning. Saying ‘yes’ is the power of the lung meridian.

Each ‘yes’ is like a door that we open with an affirming goodwill and benevolence in order to let in new things. A well-developed lung meridian radiates confidence and accessibility. It responds to what is unknown and the future with a positive attitude. It is a dynamic optimist: whatever may come, a strong lung will say ‘yes’ because it can rely on its long, energising breath. With a long and steady breath, obstacles can be overcome and boundaries be moved. Saying ‘yes’ means not giving up. It means persevering, keeping going. Saying ‘yes’ means being constructively connected to the river of life. This creates a tail wind and a good mood.

From the book: „Meridians – Maps of the Soul”

Mike Mandl / Singing Dragon

ISBN: 9781839976711

Mike Mandl



In the beginning everything ends up in baby’s nappies. Life is in a constant flow. And little baby flows along too; instinctively, impetuously. It is only once the life principle of the large intestine meridian, begins to develop that there is some more control, mainly the consciously learnt control of the anal sphincter. This is not easy, it takes time, but it is an important step towards self-control. At some point the growing, ‘I’ will have taken things in its own hands and is therefore able to consciously stop, postpone or let go of the flow of life passing through. Now the ‘I’ decides when and where it needs the potty. The large intestine meridian controls it all. This is its job and its mission. And above all it likes to control through the power of ‘no’.

Saying ‘no’ means to set boundaries. Saying ‘no’ means ‘I don’t want this!’ Saying ‘no’ means ‘This is not for me!’ In our everyday life we need the life principle of the large intestine meridian a lot. Without the ability to demarcate our territory with a conscious ‘no’, it is difficult to assert ourselves and our needs in challenging situations, because we tend to say ‘yes’ all too quickly and too easily to anything and everything. We do this, because we don’t want to disappoint others; because we instantly feel guilty; because we are afraid not to be accepted or be liked; because we have learnt to be obedient. Because we prefer to pinch, our mental buttocks and suppress our needs and our views rather, than getting out the sword of resistance and risking a conflict. The sword of body language, is the raised index finger. It warns. It admonishes. The raised index finger says ‘no’ and keeps things at a distance. And it’s at the index finger, where the pathway of the large intestine meridian begins.

From the book: „Meridians – Maps of the Soul“

Mike Mandl / Singing Dragon

ISBN: 9781839976711







