Scuola di Naturopatia ConSè
The seasons of life and the 5 Movements as a model of temporal observation: (WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL).
Edited by Roberto Poli, professor of Classical Chinese Medicine – Scuola di Naturopatia ConSè.
WATER is the newborn: it has a strong individual drive, it wants everything for itself, it feeds on others, particularly the mother.
As confident as he may seem, he is extremely needy and defines himself based on others.
Your goal is TO BE. His characteristic is also the challenge that a water type must overcome in life: to be defined as a person, to be himself, to be a person and not a character, a changing mask or someone who is defined only according to the role he plays in society, to what others know about him.
The water type has the most precious (and risky) gift: being like water, changing, fluid, capable of encompassing everything, nourishing it and destroying it, but unfortunately rarely crystalline. Being like water is the goal of the sage, according to the Dao De Jing.
WOOD is the child who begins to take his first steps: he wants to be independent, he wants to play and never stops. He doesn’t want his father to impose rules on him, he doesn’t want to be stopped. Your goal is to GROW. The challenge that a type of wood must overcome is the same: grow, assume responsibilities, stop thinking that you can do a hundred thousand things without ever being defined in your projects, embark on a path.
FIRE is the young man who makes his way in society and defines his role in relation to others. You want to affirm your own identity and expand it, define how you are different from others. Your goal is to REALIZE YOURSELF. The fire type will have to be able, in life, to carve out a role and complete the construction of its own identity, to be in life what is written in its mandate, to realize itself as an individual in the world.
EARTH is the adult who has experienced the world; you have seen, known and traveled and now you would like to stop. He has learned to distinguish things, to analyze them, he has defined his role in society, he has become “a man of the world”, but it is time for him to become “a man in the world”, that is, to overcome materiality alone. Its objective is CHANGE.
The earth type has the arduous task of not stopping, of not always being the same as himself, of being able, not only with reason, to live and be a new person every day, abandon old habits and evolve slowly but surely. .
METAL is the older person, who has lived a full life and is preparing to welcome death, the greatest fulfillment.
The old man is calm and collected, he reflects on his actions, but, sometimes, he is stubborn like a child, the details become very important to him and he runs the risk of becoming attached to everything: to people, because he does not want to be. abandoned, and to things, because they remind him of what he no longer is.
Your goal is to FIND YOURSELF. The metal type must bring together everything that, the transformations of the earth have produced in order to truly redefine his identity, no longer as a man but as part of the Dao. Your challenge is to overcome the apparent separation, between the hundred thousand things in the world and the ultimate, indescribable reality. Metal, the final judge of human life, decides whether that man’s curriculum in the world will be fulfilled, allowing him to enter death.
And this happens on a daily basis every day.
Compared to what you do or what you feel…
Where are you today?
Assuming an excessively pronounced attitude, but welcomed with benevolence and without any judgment, try to be the observer of yourself for a moment.
Are the attitudes childish in an attempt to be so? Do you have an extreme need to grow and impose yourself? Have you realized who you are without needing to perpetuate the first two ways? Are you in a period of great transformation, leaving material aspects in the background? Do you stick to who you are, taking care of it in all the details, giving shape to the substance and not being afraid to find who you are?
If an aspect resonates with you, here is your step on your personal path, that must always be expanded away from judgment, to allow you to perceive the energy flow of the organs and meridians involved and interested, in action or excessively “asleep” why now express yourself . I add a clear poem in which all the movements are present, expressed both in form and substance:
“Hundreds of flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, the cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If you don’t occupy your mind with useless things, every season is a good season for you.”
#chinesemedicine #traditionalchinesemedicine
Livio Bucci
Wonders between East and West.
If we focus carefully on the first cell divisions, we observe that the original cell undergoes a first division, giving rise to two cells, one larger and one decidedly smaller; from the two-cell phase we do not immediately go to a four-cell phase, but what happens is that only the largest cell divides, thus giving rise to a three-cell phase.
Cells, from which we then proceed quickly to the formation of the morula.
In this sequence it is possible to see a strong similarity, with what is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Dao De Ching, regarding the creation of the world:
“The Dao generated unity, unity generated duality, duality generated trinity, trinity generated countless creatures” (translation of Tao te Ching and new translation based on the recently discovered Ma-Wang-Tui manuscripts,
Bantam New Age Books).
Even in the early stages of development of a human being, the same sequence occurs that describes the phases of creation of the world, so the human microcosm seems completely similar to the macrocosm and as such regulated by the same laws. Wonders between East and West.